Creating a headshot on a white background

Dear Freezem friends,

We did some headshots at the offices in Israel, on a white background.

Following is some info that will hopefully help you create something similar on your own.

Some tips:

Try and find a white wall to be not too far behind you,

while a large window is 70-90° to your right or left.

if possible, have someone else take your photo using a smartphone(as new as possible).

If no one is around try to get the phone held up on a tripod at your eye level , and use the timer option.

(If it is an Iphone, choose the “Protrait- natural light” option.)

Take a few photos in vertical mode, and please send the best to Peter.

Here are some examples of how ours came out- try to aim for something similar.

Good luck! I believe in you!


Also, you can watch this video that might help as well